I pray for you so that you will not fall away
though people insult and attack you in the name of God. (1)
I pray for you that you can walk the path I have laid;
I will send the counselor to help you on the way.

It is for your good that I am going away
for then the counselor will come to you in my name. (2)
You will be guided by the Spirit of truth;
you will remember, understand, recognize and accept
everything that I taught you for the last three years. (3)

In Galilee, we walked together;
for three years I pushed you and rebuked you.
“Why are you afraid, you men of little faith?” (4)
“You of little faith, why did you doubt?” (5)
“You men of little faith.” (6)
I am thankful that you did not leave me.

Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.
I leave peace with you; My peace I give to you;
I do not give as the world gives when I give to you. (7)
You will be my witness and preach my gospel.
People will be amazed by your brave teaching (8)
and will repent from their sins with pierced hearts (9)
when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.

You shall be powerful witnesses for me. (10)

Rev. Yong Sub Sim

(1) John 16:2
(2) John 16:7
(3) John 14:26
(4) Matthew 8:26
(5) Matthew 14:31
(6) Matthew 16:8
(7) John 14:27
(8) Acts 4:13
(9) Acts 2:37
(10) Acts 1:8

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